Friday, October 17, 2014

IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity

         In a traditional way of teaching, the teacher organizes and presents the lesson to the class followed by a discussion, evaluation and assignment, but in this modern way of learning it is a tough challenge to think of a new way for effective teaching.

          A new challenge has arisen for today’s learners not only to be mentally excellent but also flexible, analytic and creative. Each learner should develop complex thinking skills. 

Complex Thinking Skills

Defining the problem, goal/objective-setting, brainstorming
Selection, recording of data of information
Associating, relating new data with old
Identifying idea constructs, patterns
Deducing, inducting, elaborating
Classifying, relating
Visualizing, predicting
Planning, formulating
Summarizing, abstracting
Setting criteria, testing idea, verifying outcomes, revising

       The use of the four IT based project such as Resource-Based Project, IT Simple Creations, Web-based Projects and Guided Hypermedia Projects help develop creativity among learners and to achieve the aim of producing globally competitive individuals in various field of profession.

          In this constructivist paradigm, the students, not the teacher makes decisions on what to put on the project and how to organize information. In this teaching approach, the students are not dependent on the teacher’s instruction but rather develop their higher thinking skills and creativity to come up with the most perfect project. The students may also discover what potentials they possessed.

          In this modern day of learning, it is always student-centered. We won’t totally get out of what we used to in teaching but we must think of an innovative approach to learning. Thus, developing not only mentally capable individuals but also creative enough to change the face of the world.

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